Snow Day! A pick me up when we hit an emotional wall

Snow Day

We so rarely get a snow day in Bristol and my gosh did we need this pick me up. It’s funny how a flurry of snow can bring so much joy. We woke at 6am on Sunday as I had forgotten that I had ordered an online grocery shop a month ago (and 6 was the only slot I could get). So I was totally confused to open the door in my pj’s and see snow! It felt like a beautiful dream, especially in this time when the little moments mean so much.

Snow Day

We headed to our local park which was full of people enjoying the weather. (Obviously everyone was socially distanced as we were all in the such a big area out in the open) just seeing people so happy and having fun with their families was such a pick me up. I’ve been feeling like I was hitting a brick wall with lockdown 2021, the constant rain and all the feelings that January often brings. Whilst a snow day doesn’t fix everything it was like a little glimmer into ‘normal life’ again.

snow day

This time last year we had no idea what the year would hold but I still remember the joy that the Spring gave even as we began our lockdown. The surprise hot weather, paddling pools, the flowers shooting up. Weirdly this snow has reminded me of how much a little good weather picks us all up. A little positivity to remember even on the coldest and darkest days.

snow day

We didn’t have a sledge although we did consider bringing some bin bags to slip down the hill on. As we entered the park we saw a father and son on ski’s! I ended up falling over on ice as I ran a little too enthusiastically to take photos and then again as I put my foot in a giant hole that was covered but everyone else managed to stay on two feet and avoid accident.

We continued our ‘us against daddy’ snowball fight almost the whole walk home. That was until Tom threw a ball that not only hit Wilf in the head but ricocheted off and hit Mabli square in the face. Both kids were hugely indignant but it was pretty impressive haha

snow day
snow day bristol

The last time we had a snow day in Bristol a couple of years back we had only been in our new house a few months. I remember it was a school day (which always makes it extra special but now doesn’t really apply as we homeschool!). We made sure we were stocked up with hot chocolate and vegan marshmallows and even grabbed the last slice of cake from the farm cafe on the way. Just the most perfect snow day!

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The post Snow Day! A pick me up when we hit an emotional wall appeared first on Tigerlilly Quinn .


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