A trip to Norfolk, Dementia and life lately

After having to cancel our trip to see my family in Kings Lynn, Norfolk (a couple of days before lockdown 2.0) You better believe I was going to be booking that visit as soon as we can. My mum has front temporal dementia and prior to the pandemic they actually took some time out to travel. I’m so glad they got that time away (they only had to cut it short by a week) but it meant it had been a year and a half since our last visit.

kings lynn, norfolk

It was so nice to see my folk and little brother but was obviously hard too. I think anyone who has experience of someone they love having dementia can understand how hard it can be. My mum has front temporal dementia so fortunately she does still know who we are which is something to be thankful for. It still feels like watching the person you know physically being there but also missing who they were and will never be again. Like grieving someone whilst they are still with you. After not seeing her for so long the first reconnecting was really hard.

I miss my mum, I miss having a mum. I feel sad my kids will never know my mum as I knew her. I feel sad for her and my dad and my siblings and basically its just a really really sad situation.

kings lynn park norfolk

I took some pictures on my point and shoot analogue camera which although aren’t perfect I kinda love

If you are ever looking for a place to stay in Kings Lynn in Norfolk by the way we stayed at the nicest AirBnb which i’ll link here. We really appreciated the outdoor space as it meant that when my mum went to bed my dad and brother could come over and hang out. We ended up playing so many board games and had a BBQ too, we were so lucky with the weather!

This is actually only our second visit to Kings Lynn as my folks only moved there around five years ago. I had a bunch of people ask for Norfolk recommendations and I’m pretty clueless so if anyone has some do comment below! As it was so important to have family time we only really hung out in each other’s gardens and didn’t go anywhere else but I’d love to come back and stay longer and do some trips. I know Norwich is supposed to be really lovely and Hunstanton beach!

Kings Lynn Norfolk
Kings Lynn Norfolk
Kings Lynn Norfolk


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